With 4 billion fans worldwide, soccer (or football as it is known around the world) is a sport with deep roots in many countries and cultures. Since its conception in the 19th century, the sport has passed through the hands of some the greatest minds and has seen a tactical evolution. In this course, we will explore many of these innovations, from those of Johan Cruyff to Pep Guardiola, in an attempt to understand the game through a historical and tactical lens.
Weekly papers will be assigned to help prepare you prior to a class session. Instructions on each paper will be given during class time. Unless stated otherwise, all papers must be submitted via bCourses by the start of the next class period. Papers will be expected to be at least ½ page to a full page in length.
Attendance will be taken at each class. You will receive a late arrival/early leave penalty if you arrive late or leave early, where two penalties = one absence. You are given TWO unexcused/excused absences. You may make up absences by completing an additional weekly paper and receiving a satisfactory grade on the assignment (>=75%), which is due the following class after your absence via email. Note that this absence make-up exception can only be used once.
No exams, but a Final Project/Presentation is due at the end of the semester in which you will be asked to call upon all the concepts we have learned throughout the course.
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